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Landings from Icelandic waters (in tonnes).

Catch at age

Catch in numbers at age (in millions).


Weight at age (g) from commercial catches.


Weight at age (g) in the spawning stock.


Weight at age (g) in the groundfish survey in March.

Maturity at age

Proportion mature at age in the stock.

IS-SMB index

Age disaggregated indices (in numbers) from the groundfish survey in March.

IS-SMH index

Age disaggregated indices (in numbers) from the groundfish survey in October.

Assessment summary

Recruitment as 3-year-olds in millions, spawning stock and reference biomass, and landings in thous. tonnes, harvest rate (landings/reference biomass), and fishing mortality (average for ages 5–10). Recruitment includes young fish of Icelandic origin at Greenland that migrated back to Icelandic grounds. Spawning stock refers to Icelandic waters.

Stock in numbers

Stock size in numbers at age (in millions). Estimated immigration from Greenland included as appropriate.

Fishing mortality

Fishing mortality by age.